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Opportunity for #NatureForAll Volunteer Communications Specialists

Opportunity for #NatureForAll Volunteer Communications Specialists Members of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) are invited to apply to serve for one year in a volunteer capacity. The role is #NatureForAll Communications Specialist. Responsibilities include, and are not limited to, developing and managing social media, website maintenance and development, and newsletter content and distribution. Time and responsibilities may vary depending on availability and your preferences. This is a part-time volunteer position. It will provide you with hands-on experience working with a global initiative. Please send a short email describing your qualifications and interest in the role to Yose Cormier, #NatureForAll Manager, yose.cormier@pc.gc.ca. Up to two members from each Commission will be selected to serve. To learn more about #NatureForAll, visit www.natureforall.global.

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