1630 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20009 U.S.A.


An active member of the Executive Committee the past two years, Mr. Hajost has also served as a co-chair of the Policy & Strategy sub-committee and member of the Membership & Communications committee. He has worked closely with the Chair and the IUCN DC office. He has also put a significant effort into retaining existing members, recruiting new members and helping support and promote IUCN at relevant meetings. He is committed to devoting the time and effort to grow the USNC and support strong engagement in the IUCN Marseille WCC including its preparations.

He is the Vice-Chair of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC), the only environmental NGO observer in the Antarctic Treaty System; and the Managing Director, Global Wildlife Program, National Whistleblower Center both partners in IUCN Nature for All. He is an International lawyer by training and have 38 years of experience working on terrestrial/marine conservation and environment/development policy including at State Department Office of the Legal Adviser, EPA, Acting Associate Administrator for International Activities and Associate General Counsel for International Activities EDF International Counsel, IUCN Executive Director and headed global USAID supported initiatives on forests/climate mitigation (Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program and wildlife trafficking/illegal fishing (Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge). He served almost 15 years as Executive Director of the then IUCN USA Multilateral Office including overseeing the IUCN UN Mission in New York; served on IUCN central management; co-lead development of the first IUCN global membership strategy; served on the IUCN US Board and is a member 4 IUCN Commissions WCEL, WCPA. CEM and CEC. 

Scott is keen to continue to help identify priority issues of interest to US members and galvanize the diverse, deep US IUCN membership as a US members’ voice on conservation within the IUCN family including internationally. He is committed to enhancing understanding of members’ interests, initiating new modes of member communications and ensuring that IUCN membership adds value individually and collectively. He is also keen to continue supporting and helping retain existing members and recruiting new ones. He will continue to help “fly the IUCN flag” at meetings and events as he has done in the past.