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The International Indian Treaty Council and the IUCN: Working Together for Indigenous Rights and Conservation

The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) is an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. The IUCN is an international organization that seeks to conserve the world’s natural resources and promote sustainable development.

The IITC and the IUCN have a long history of working together on issues of common interest. In recent years, their collaboration has focused on the following areas:

  • Indigenous rights and conservation: The IITC and the IUCN have worked together to promote the rights of Indigenous Peoples to their traditional lands and resources. They have also worked to ensure that Indigenous Peoples are involved in the development and implementation of conservation policies and programs.
  • Climate change: The IITC and the IUCN have worked together to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change on Indigenous Peoples. They have also worked to develop adaptation strategies that will help Indigenous Peoples cope with the effects of climate change.
  • Sustainable development: The IITC and the IUCN have worked together to promote sustainable development that benefits Indigenous Peoples and the environment. They have supported projects that promote traditional Indigenous methods of resource management, such as agroforestry and sustainable fishing.

The IITC and the IUCN are committed to working together to protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the environment. Their collaboration is essential to ensuring that the voices of Indigenous Peoples are heard in the global conservation movement.

In addition to the areas mentioned above, the IITC and the IUCN have also worked together on the following issues:

  • Biodiversity: The IITC and the IUCN have worked to protect Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge of biodiversity and traditional methods of conservation.
  • Water resources: The IITC and the IUCN have worked to protect Indigenous Peoples’ access to water resources and to ensure that their water rights are respected.
  • Mining and extractive industries: The IITC and the IUCN have worked to protect Indigenous Peoples from the negative impacts of mining and extractive industries.

The IITC and the IUCN are two of the most important organizations working to protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the environment. Their collaboration is essential to ensuring that the voices of Indigenous Peoples are heard and that their rights are respected.

If you are interested in learning more about the IITC and the IUCN, or about their work on Indigenous rights and conservation, you can visit the following websites:

  • International Indian Treaty Council: https://www.iitc.org/
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature: https://www.iucn.org/