Welcome to this online public consultation!
You are invited to review the “DraftIUCN SSC Position Statement on the Role of Botanic Gardens, Aquariums, and Zoos in Conservation”, which was developed by the IUCN Species Survival Commission and a group of experts to contribute to the implementation of IUCN WCC-2020-Res-079 on linking in situ and ex situ efforts to save threatened species. This draft will be revised taking account the inputs received during the consultation period before being published. The online consultation period will run for 2 months, from January 4th 2023 to February 28th 2023. During this period, you may record any comments about the content of the document. After February 28th, the online public consultation will be closed, and the IUCN Species Survival Commission will carefully review and consider all comments received. Please visit the SSC webpage for further information:
If you have trouble accessing this option or provide your feedback through this form, please contactMayerlin Ramos (mayerlin.ramos@ssc.iucn.org). Thank you again for your time and for providing your expertise in this consultation!
Sincerely, IUCN SSC Chair’s Office team
UCN Species Survival Commission