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The latest from the IUCN Library : 25 January 2023

books in the library

The latest from the IUCN Library : 25 January 2023

With the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) coming up next week, why not take a peek at thebooks in the library’s collection on marine protected areas? Nearly half are available online. Here is a round-up of what you may have missed out on from peer organisations in the last couple of weeks: The latest soil monitoring report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) A Resources Radio podcast episode on 2022’s biggest stories in energy and environmental policy Another Resources Radio podcast episode, this time on thehistory of America’s public lands A podcast episode from The New York Times’s The Daily on the importance of biodiversity Until next time, Daisy Larios, Library and Publications Manager IUCN HQ Library Contact the IUCN Library

New additions: Unofficial IUCN reports (non-peer-reviewed, non-authoritative)

Documento de lectura módulo 1 : Introducción a las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y adaptación basada en ecosistemas

Available inSpanish

Documento de lectura módulo 2 : Políticas y planificación de cambio climático, soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y adaptación basada en ecosistemas en Perú

Available inSpanish

Documento de lectura módulo 3 : Casos prácticos de adaptación basada en ecosistemas (parte 1) Available inSpanish

Documento de lectura módulo 4 : Casos prácticos de adaptación basada en ecosistemas (parte 2) Available inSpanish

Documento de lectura módulo 5 : Financiamiento y escalamiento de las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y adaptación basada en ecosistemas Available inSpanish

New additions: Non-IUCN periodicals

These are magazines, newsletters, and journals published by entities other than IUCN that have recently been added to the HQ Library’s print collections. Some are available online as well.

Environment & urbanization vol.34, no.2 (October 2022) Parki narodowe i rezerwaty przyrody tom 41, numer 4 (2022) tom 41, numer 3 (2022) WSL Berichte Heft 126, 2022

Earth Island journal vol.37, no.4 (Winter 2023) L’environnement 4/2022 Also available inGerman Le magazine natagora no.113, jan.-fév. 2023

Naturschutz und Naturparke 3 Ausgabe 2022/Heft 254 La montagne et alpinisme no.2904/2022 Unser Wald 4/2022

Copyright © 2023 IUCN. All rights reserved. Rue Mauverney 28, 1196, Gland, Switzerland. Photo credits © Katherine Rewinkel El-Darwish.

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