1630 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20009 U.S.A.


US Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs

The US Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) is an office within the US Department of State that is responsible for developing and implementing US foreign policy on a wide range of environmental and scientific issues. These issues include:

  • Climate change
  • Biodiversity
  • Oceans and marine resources
  • Wildlife trafficking
  • Space exploration
  • Nuclear nonproliferation
  • Chemical and biological weapons

OES works to promote international cooperation on these issues, and to build consensus on global environmental agreements. OES also provides technical assistance to developing countries to help them implement environmental laws and regulations.

The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is a global environmental organization that works to conserve the world’s natural resources. IUCN is made up of over 1,400 member organizations, including governments, non-governmental organizations, and businesses.

OES and IUCN have a long-standing relationship. OES is a member of IUCN, and the two organizations work together on a variety of projects, including:

  • Developing and implementing conservation strategies for endangered species
  • Supporting sustainable development in protected areas
  • Combating wildlife trafficking
  • Promoting marine conservation

OES and IUCN share a common goal of protecting the world’s natural resources for future generations. By working together, they can achieve more than either organization could do alone.

Here are some specific examples of how OES and IUCN have worked together in the past:

  • In 2010, OES and IUCN co-hosted the World Conservation Congress in Hawaii. The Congress brought together over 5,000 delegates from over 180 countries to discuss global conservation priorities.
  • In 2014, OES and IUCN launched the Global Tiger Recovery Program. The program aims to double the number of wild tigers by 2022.
  • In 2016, OES and IUCN released the World Heritage Outlook. The report provides an assessment of the state of the world’s natural and cultural heritage sites.

OES and IUCN will continue to work together to protect the world’s natural resources for future generations.